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Living Books Curriculum

Discover Nature Study

Discover Nature Study

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This six-lesson digital course is packed with audios, lessons, templates and oodles of helps to do Nature Study the Charlotte Mason way. Our desire is to make the study of nature with your children easy-as-pie. Charlotte Mason taught this importance of observing the natural world in all its forms. It teaches attentiveness, quiet, and, in later years, is a "balm and a blessing."

The great naturalist, Rachel Carson, said:

If a child is too keep alive his inborn sense of wonder ... he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in. 

What you receive

Six, One Hour Classes – One for each theme: Getting Started, Indoor Nature Study, Creating Simple but Powerful Nature Study Lessons, Nature Journaling, Nature Study for Mixed Ages, Nature Study using Great Art. Six hours of insight into Nature Study not available anywhere else.

Six Printable Lessons -- Each lesson is packed with explanations and inspiration, nature walks you can do right away, parables from nature, poems, prayers, great art, and more.

LBC’s Exclusive Nature Study with Live Webcams – What to do when you can't go outdoors? This 21-page ebook contains all the links and explanations for live webcams for most every topic in the Handbook of Nature Study, including Baby Penguins, Bald Eagle nests, Coral Reefs, Sea Otters and many more. The webcam can go places and see things we cannot with our naked eye. This book will be a treasure for rainy days.

Bonus Books: Digital copies of essential books you will use for years to come. Can be viewed on your Kindle, computer or even your phone. Handbook of Nature Study, First Lessons in Nature Study, Better Nature Journaling, Seed Babies and Insect Folk (by Helen Warner Morley).

A Nature Study story....

One morning in early spring I walked outside along our wooden walkway to the garage. I had just begun to learn about Charlotte Mason's way of homeschooling and was particular with Nature Study. Though I loved the outdoors I wasn't sure how to help children learn from it.

Or even how to get started.

As I walked along the boardwalk I noticed it was covered with small snails each leaving a glistening silver trail that shone in the morning light. It was pure magic to see shining silver streaks all along the walk--like a fairytale.

I ran for Bridget and Jim and brought them out to see. They gasped with delight. Good so far, now what?

Then, I remembered The Handbook of Nature Study I had just bought. A huge book that looked scary and overwhelming. I checked the index and, sure enough, snails were there. I read the section on snails aloud to Jim and Bridget. Then, to my amazement there were directions for building a simple snailarium from materials easily at hand. We did it and enjoyed the whole process so much!

I felt like a nature study diva. In that moment I knew I could do it. Yet, all I did was notice and help others to notice something in God's creation, then look it up in a handy book. I was hooked on Nature Study from then on.

It was so simple, so delightful, so important.

You can teach your children to love God’s creation and learn from everything around them with our course.

A mother's testimonial

I just wanted to thank you for the class today and tell you about something delightful that happened during the class. While listening I heard my dog barking loudly outside. I went to call her in and she wouldn’t come. It was then that I spotted a wild turkey walking down the alley! I called my three boys outside and they quietly followed the female.  The two older boys got out notebooks and made drawings. Who knew we’d begin our first nature study during class! I came back inside & finished class but was able to follow the female a while too after class ended. That was a refreshing and encouraging experience for me.

Michelle Reisgraf

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