About LBC
We are Sheila and Jim Carroll, founders of Living Books Curriculum. In 2003 we had a dream to create a truly unique learning experience using Charlotte Mason’s methods and use all the proceeds of sales to take this curriculum to developing nations. Our dream is reality. LBC curriculum is used in five African nations.
Our daughter, Bridget, was homeschooled using this curriculum, as have many hundreds of American families. In 2016 our daughter and her husband, Emmanuel, came on board to

help manage the day-to-day running of LBC. We are delighted to have them join us as they bring fresh insights AND adorable grandchildren.
We are both lifelong educators. Jim has a doctorate in Educational Psychology and has taught at the graduate level for more than thirty years. He has also earned a reputation as a researcher and assessment specialist. Combined, we have published five books on educational topics. Sheila has two master’s degrees, one in Educational Leadership and the other in Children’s Literature. She is also a professional storyteller. Jim and Sheila’s research into Charlotte Mason’s methods for organizing learning, they discovered at the Armitt Archives in Ambleside, England.
We have a wealth of experience when it comes to homeschooling your child. We’re here to help,
especially if it feels a little overwhelming to you right now.
How We Can Help…
Living Books Curriculum is a K-8 Christian homeschooling solution based on the visionary philosophy of British educator Charlotte Mason. Living Books Curriculum offers homeschooling parents Teaching Guides, Subject Guides, and Classic Living Books along, with competent, caring support whenever you have questions in the process of educating your children at home.
Using high-quality literature and real-life experiences, Living Books Curriculum emphasizes oral expression to promote literacy, learning and strong character. Our curricula exceed national standards and honor children as people with unique, God-given gifts and talents. Living Books Curriculum provides instruction in all the traditional subjects such as history, language arts and science, and incorporates classic literature, music, fine art, nature studies, narration, storytelling, and the use of local resources to create an atmosphere of love and learning.
About the Curriculum
Living books, joyful learning, timeless methods
Living Books Curriculum offers homeschooling families a high-quality course of study based on the time-tested methods of Charlotte Mason. Our curricula facilitate learning through literature, life experiences, and oral and written expression. The curriculum is integrated, complete, and flexible; it honors the child, supports learning, develops higher-order thinking, and generates excitement about learning.
Families in all fifty states in the US are currently using the LBC curriculum to give their children a living education rich in books, ideas, and experience.
Living Books Curriculum provides instruction in the traditional subjects such as history, language arts, and science and incorporate classic literature, nature studies, narration, storytelling, and the use of local resources to enhance the educational experience.
In addition to founding Living Books Curriculum, the Carroll’s created Worldwide Educational Resources, a non-profit program designed to provide developing nations with the same high-quality educational materials and proven teaching methods homeschooling families enjoy. It’s mission is to provide curriculum, teacher training, and libraries of living books.
Growing educated leaders for a brighter tomorrow
Jim and Sheila Carroll believe that every child, regardless of gender, race, or circumstances is a gift of God and precious in His sight. They believe that the children educated through Living Books Curriculum will be the leaders and nation-builders of tomorrow. These children will be the mothers and fathers of a generation of high-minded children, passing on the academic excellence, sound moral character, and lifelong love of learning that they themselves enjoy.
Accomplished home school parents, Jim and Sheila have three daughters, all grown. They live nearby their daughter Bridget, with a horse, two cats, Molly the beagle and a variety of other animals in mid-Michigan. The family loves and serves the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jim has a doctorate in Educational Psychology and has taught at the graduate level for more than thirty years. He has also earned a reputation as a researcher and assessment specialist. Sheila has two master’s degrees, one in Educational Leadership and the other in Children’s Literature. She was an elementary school teacher, a college professor, an educational consultant, professional storyteller and writer. Combined, Jim and Sheila have published five books on educational topics.
Their Inspiration
As educators, Jim and Sheila saw a steady decline in the quality of education over the last ten to twenty years. When Bridget became school age, they decided to explore homeschooling as an alternative. The type of curriculum they looked for was one rich in the wonderful books they knew as children. What they found instead were textbooks and workbooks—a public school version of homeschooling. A friend suggested the Carrolls explore For the Children’s Sake, by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay, which spoke of an educator named of Charlotte Mason.
Intrigued by the multiple references to Charlotte Mason, they researched her educational philosophy and were pleased to find her methods literature based. After reading many Charlotte Mason books and traveling to homeschooling conferences, they began to homeschool Bridget with To share ideas and resources, Jim and Sheila developed a local support group for other homeschooling parents.
As Jim and Sheila researched and prayed, they learned of the tremendous need for schooling in developing nations. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, they thought, if children in impoverished nations could also have a living books education? How could such a venture be funded?
Little by little the pieces came together. The Carrolls formed Worldwide Educational Resources, a non-profit organization devoted to providing a quality education for children. There was a period of trial and error to find the right way to put the literature together with a viable curriculum. What emerged was a curriculum for homeschooling families—Living Books Curriculum —and another for children in developing nations—Education in a Box. The proceeds of the homeschool curriculum support the work in developing nations.
Their Faith
Jim and Sheila are Christians who have committed their lives to the care and oversight of our Heavenly Father. Charlotte Mason was also a Christian. Her work reflects this point of view but not in any didactic sense. Charlotte Mason believed that education should not be divided into religious and secular—that all true knowledge comes from God. Therefore, Living Books Curriculum is not limited to books that are overtly Christian. A non-Christian would not find among our works any overt proselytizing. However, speaking of religious matters takes place when appropriate.
Jim and Sheila’s personal statement of faith is:
- That Holy Scripture is the inspired and infallible Word of God.
- That God has existed from all eternity in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- That Jesus Christ was God incarnate, being fully God and fully man, except without sin.
- That the central purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ was to pay the penalty for man’s sin through His substitutionary death on the cross.
- That the successful completion of this act is attested to by His visible, bodily resurrection.
- That as we accept the finished work of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for ourselves we are saved from our sins.
- That salvation is a free gift and not the result of any personal acts.
Your Purchase Helps Us Provide a Living Education for Children in Africa…
100% of the proceeds of your purchase helps us help children in Africa to receive a living education. Jim and Sheila Carroll’s non-profit, Worldwide Educational Resources, has seven schools at this time, educating nearly 750 students.
The Carroll’s non-profit was founded in 2000. Later, in 2004, they established Living Books Curriculum as a means of support for their ministry.
Watch our short video introducing our work in Africa…
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