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Living Books Curriculum

Calm After The Storm Bundle

Calm After The Storm Bundle

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This collection of books, stories, folktales, and poems is designed to bring your family together, if only for a few moments each day. Use it as a focal point and bright ray of hope amidst whatever challenges your family is experiencing. There is no better way to draw close to one another and be strengthened than by connecting over a great story that everyone young and old can enjoy.
Digital Product Only
There’s a lot going on in the world right now- hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes - and that’s just what’s making the news.


 Whatever you’re going through, I want you to know that it’s okay to not be okay.

Life on this earth is hard sometimes, and it’s okay to take the time to sit in the mud and grieve that a little bit.

Maybe you’re not even in the area affected by the hurricanes- but your family has been going through your own personal tragedy. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one, been laid off from a job, or just been so busy all going your separate directions that your family feels scattered and lost from one another right now.

I would like to extend an invitation to you for The Calm After the Storm package.

     I wish I could wave a magic wand and wipe away all the tragedy in the world.

But until I get that magic wand- this is my way of saying “I see you. You matter. 
    Your family is worth fighting for and you’re going to get through this."

The best way I know to all come together in the face of tragedy- no matter what it is- is over a good story.


If your family needs something to bring you all together right now, whether that’s because you’ve lost your books to flooding, your child’s school has shut down, or life has taken some unexpected turns and you’re just overwhelmed- please, take this package as a free gift. All I ask is that you use it together as a family to take a few minutes each day to read a book, listen to a folktale, or enjoy a poem with one another.

My prayer is that this brings you some small ray of encouragement through the darkness and helps your family to draw together for a few moments to enjoy something lighthearted and be strengthened to go on.

We would also like to stay connected with you and check in with you during difficult times.  If you are interested, you can join a secure newsletter with us and we will be glad to do so.

What’s included in the Calm After the Storm digital package:

Folktales to Read And Listen Together

    • The Nightingale

    • Why the Sea is Salty

    • Pied Piper

    • The Princess and the Pea

    • Jack and the Bean Stalk

Books to Read Together

    • David Copperfield

    • Little Women

    • Pilgrim's Progress

    • Just David

 Stories to Read Together

    • The Tale of Solomon Owl

    • Stories of Courage and Heroism

    • Would Be Goods

Stories to Listen Together

    • The Extraordinary Cat and other Stories

    • The Would Be Goods


    • Mother Goose

    • Five Poems Every Child Should Know
Digital Product Only
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