LBC Grade Five Teaching Guide & Resources

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Teaching Guide and resources for students ages 9-11 or families wishing to combine students for study.

Grade Five is a year rich in the study of the Renaissance and Reformation in World History and 19th century America in American History. Science  explores the invention of the microscope and how it literally changed how we see the created world, a study of physics, health and personal hygiene and the classification of living species. Picture Study, Composer Study and Poetry all correlate with the people and times of 16th -18th European history and 19th century American.

Print version: 214 pages, wire bound
Digital version: direct download


Detailed Description of Grade Five

Booklist and Overview

Sample Weekly Lessons

A 214-page guide which includes the week-by-week guide, and term-by-term overview, notes, helps and maps. The rescources include a full year of picture study, articles, a printable planner, e-text of Pilgrim’s Progress and many more educational materials, maps, and templates. This grade covers:

    • Christian studies—Scripture, Pilgrim’s Progress, Heroes of the Faith studies, such as Blaise Pascal, George Fredric Handel, and practical Christian service (according to CM guidelines).

    • Language Arts—storytelling, folk literature, grammar and language use. Dictation recitation and copywork are taken from readings in history and science. Shakespeare’s As You Like It.

    • Geography—A study of the origin of mapping and the famous mapmaker, Amerigo Vespucci, as well as mapping the countries studied in history.

    • Science—Studies the invention and use of the microscope.

    • Hands-on experiments with the microscope. A study in personal health and hygiene and a study of classification of living things. An introduction to physics.

    • Nature Study—regular work in child’s Nature Journal. Using the Handbook of Nature Study, the areas of focus for each term are: 1) fungi; 2) birds of prey; 3) winter stars; 4) insects of the field and wood.

    • Picture Study—da Vinci, Michelangelo, Durer, and Velasquez are the artist of the Renaissance to be studied. LBC Grade Five Resource CD contains all the pictures needed for study.

    • World History—the eras of study are the Renaissance and the Reformation (1550-1750 AD), with focus on those individuals who transformed the medieval world and ushered in the Enlightenment and beyond.

    • American History—the era of study is 19h century America. This post-Civil War period was one of unprecedented growth, creativity and invention. The people and events that made this time great will be enjoyed.

    • Composer Study—Haydn, Handel and Mozart are the composers for study. Biographies and musical compositions included. The last term focuses on an appreciation of 19th century folk music.