Colonial America Series - 6 Volumes

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This series of books on Colonial America is by James Otis (1848-1912). Otis was a writer, educator and historian who authored over 150 books for children. He wrote the Colonial America Series to illustrate the home life of colonists. Otis felt history books did not adequately describe the fascinating details of this time in American history.

Autor: James Otis



The colonial American Series includes all six volumes: 


Richard of Jamestown: A story of the Virginia Colony

A compelling and historically-accurate tale of ten-year- old Richard Mutton, who sailed with Captain John Smith on the Susan B Constant to help found Jamestown Colony. Boys and girls alike will enjoy the struggles and triumphs of young Richard as he learns first to survive, and then thrive, in the New World.

Mary of Plymouth: A story of the Pilgrim Settlement

Join Mary Allerton eleven years after the landing at Cape Cod as she relates the story of the sea voyage on the Mayflower and the first few hard years. Historically accurate and full of rich details of colonial life, Otis draws a clear portrait of life in Plymouth Colony that children will love.  

Peter of New Amsterdam: A story of old New York

Twelve-year-old Peter Hulbert is left an orphan in Leyden, Holland as the rest of the Pilgrims sail for the New World. A merchant of the West India Company takes him to New Amsterdam as his servant. Here Peter’s adventures begin in this historically accurate tale of life in Old New York.

Ruth of Boston: A story of the Massachusetts colony

Ruth of Boston is the story of a 12-year-old girl who in 1630 sailed from London to America with her father, whose intent was to spread the gospel and build a town.

Stephen of Philadelphia: A story of Penn's colony

Twelve-year old Stephen and his family travel from England with other Quakers in 1681 to help build Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. In the new land Stephen learns the trials and adventures of life on the frontier, including encounters with Indians.

Calvert of Maryland: A story of Lord Baltimore’s colony

Calvert is thirteen when he sets forth for the New World with his father and several servants. King Charles has given the family a tract of land “westward from the settlements at Plymouth and Boston.” The land Calvert inherits is full of surprises and amazing escapades.